I know sometimes i don't show Paula alot of love, BUT deep down i truly adore her, how can you not - she is my one and only sister who often makes me laugh and she loves me back.I am SO proud of her - at every opportunity i brag about her. Paula was i Gr 7 last year, at the same school i TA at, and she was the Leopard house captain and that just made me so incredibly proud. When she walked in with her team behind her at the swimming gala i got tears in my eyes! For me that was a huge thing, it was amazing!!! I will ALWAYS be proud of her no matter what. And very protective over her!! She is my "baby" sister!!
Paula is gonna go far in life, she has a heart full of gold. Her heart is purely made of compassion, love, sencerity, and joy. Paula has a personality of her own. She is unique in every way. Hahaha in more ways than others. When Paula is sick, the WHOLE house wakes up (her nick name is Cotchy Paula) ;-) I have never heard anyone cough the way Paula does. She has unigue characteristics that make her the girl and sister she is!!!
Paula has a faith that i have never seen in a 14 year old! She hates racisms and raises her opinions! She believes we are all equal and she portrays that in all she does!
I have such good memories of Paula and I back in our childhood. We played games like teacher teacher, we climbed trees together, we played in the sandpit together, we rode scooters together, we chased chickens together but most of all we loved each other!
I really thought that this post would be easy to write, but in fact it isn't!! Everytime i think of something tears come to my eyes!! I don't know what i'd do if i lost my sister! I want her to know i truly adore her and love her with all my heart! Paula is always there for me and i truly apprecaite it!
Here is a little poem i found and it is dedicated to my best friend - my sister! It sums up exactly how i feel.
I'll always be here through thick and thin
You can come to me, I'll listenI'm your friend, I won't push you away
When you need a hug, my arms are wide open
When you need to talk, I have an open ear
Your growing up and getting older
Know that I'm always here, I'm not going anywhere
Wherever you are, I'm there with you
You’re in my heart and my prayers
Just know I'm here, because I truly care
You’re my sister, you mean so much
Don't want to see you hurt or cry
I'll wipe the tears, I'll get rid of your fears
Want to see you grow up and achieve
Just believe, have faith
You can do anything
You’re beautiful inside and out
You’re smart and very talented
You’re many things, but most all, you’re my sister
I believe in you and know that I'll never stop loving you
Rachel S. Lengefeld
My sister and i love teasing each other! There is alwasy room for jokes in our family!
To end off i want to tell my sister I love her!! Paula i love you with all my heart, and you are the best sister ever!! You are a beautiful girl with loads of potential. You are very special and never forget that!
Last but not least i wanna end off with the BEST picture i have of Paula, it is my favourite and it is too gorgeous i just love it!!!
Hahaha Love you Lals :-)
P.s 2 really cute pics of Paula!!
A very happy birthday to you!!