Saturday, January 31, 2009

What a week..

This week has been such a busy week!
Studying has been busy this week and so has work!! But i have totally fallen inlove with my little Grade ones! They are just too cute.

The one sad thing this week was my Grade 7 teacher had her last day on Friday!! I cried 3 times on friday! You see Izotsha was my favourite school - i started there in 2001 and i was in Gr 6. BUT the best year of my life was in Gr 7. I was in Mrs M's class and her and i just clicked from day one! She taught me so many important lessons - she bulit my confidence! She was my sencond mother! Izotsha became a 2nd home for me...i LOVED it there! Anyway the day i left i cried for hours heart was never whole after that! I hated high school and wished everyday that i could go back to Izotsha.

After matric i got a TA (teacher's assistant) post there and here i am back at Izotsha! I am going into my 2nd year there and i am loving it! But with Mrs M leaving on friday i feel like the part of Izotsha that meant so much to me is leaving! The school has changed so much since i was there and now i feel like that part of me is leaving again!! So Friday was a very sad day for me!!

I am glad it is weekend and am able to rest!
Have a good weekend everyone!


Saturday, January 24, 2009

The outcome

Thanks Kitty Cat and Being Brazen for the comments on my previous post!!

I have taken the advice and R and I are together!! We'll give it a bash and see how things go!

We will be seeing each other again for Valentines weekend where we will probably go to the Watershed concert at the Botanical gardens!! So i am counting the days......

Things are going well so far - although this weekend he is out of comms (i am finding it very hard :-( )

Anyway i hope everyone is doing well and is having a good weekend so far!!??

bye for now

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mixed feelings.....a torn heart....

School broke up on the 5th December 2008 - it was a day with loads of different emotions! 1) sadness - it was my sister's last day of primary school and that was a shock for me beacuse i can clearly remember my last day there!! 2) excitement - it was the start of the 6week holidays! 3) nervousness - my friend was coming down in a couple of hours and he was bringing a friend and i was feeling a tad nervous BUT excited as well!!

Anyway, i got home at 11:15am and M and R arrived at 12ish! M didn't even introduce me to R but we unpacked their car nevertheless! As we unpacked we all were laughing and M was teasing me! Things were going great! I stayed there (they stayed at my grandpa's house) for the rest of the day! We were getting on so well despite the fact that R and I were never officially introduced! we spent 3 hours the one day just chatting - from total strangers to sharing everything about each other! To cut the story short R and I connected so well! It was scary how well you could get on with someone after you had just met them! We really did get on well!

11 days passed by so quickly and we all departed and went our separate ways. R and i promised to keep in contact, which we did! On Christmas eve R told me that he really liked me BUT was scared I'd diss him beacuse he is 2 years younger than me, anyway things got more interesting, we spoke until after midnight about our dillema! (oh i forgot to mention he lives in Greytown which is outside Pietermaritzburg - 3 hours away from me)

On Christmas day we chatted a bit but nothing really happened! I then went up to him on Tues 30th December and i spent the night there before we went to Midmar for New Year! Things were going well, we were getting on well! Then on New Years eve we were kind of together, he kissed me for the first time and we took many walks hand in hand! On new years day he came home with me and on the 2nd we went to the Transkei with my friend and her boyfriend and my friend's parents. Things were really going well and he officially asked me out while we were there! When we got back for 7 days in the transkei he stayed here for another 2 days! And on the last night we were having 2nd thoughts because of the distance! and he is going off to Stellenbosch for Varsity next year and that's like 16 hours away! Anyway we decided to keep things as friends and we'll wait and see what happens! He is coming down here in April for the holidays and we are gonna see then about what to we pursue a relationship or do we just say best friends!!???

Now my heart doesn't know what to do - i really like him, we get on well and i have been single for so long and it might be nice to have someone to unload on and who is affectionate to you! But on the other hand i am scared to commit because of the distance thing!! I really don't know what to do!!

Please any advice???????

Saturday, January 10, 2009


My very first post for 2009!

Today is a Saturday! It started off with gym and then a Mugg and Bean breakfast!
I hope that everyone had a blessed festive season??

May the New Year bring many laughs, loads of happiness and love to everyone.
